Story of Munching Monster Chewlery

Posted by Melissa Robertson-Bye on

When Lilly was about 4 months old I was at a baby show and purchased a chewlery clip for her. It cost me a fortune. Close to $50 for this clip. But it was super adorable. It had purple and beige beads in all different shapes and a purple elephant. She loved this thing. It hung on her stroller and her car seat (bad mom). After a few weeks it went missing. I’m not sure where we lost it, I don’t know how but all I know is that it wasn’t there anymore.

A few days later I was talking with a friend at a Mom’s Group telling her that I needed to find a new one as Lilly absolutely loved this thing. She said “Why don’t you make your own, you can buy the beads online.” This totally sparked an interest.

I started to do some research and thought if I make one for Lilly why not make them for other people too? I started by learning how other shops where making their pieces, I ordered beads, joined facebook groups and started. I still remember how excited I was the day my first package came with my beads. The colours were so bright, the shapes were fantastic and the silicone was soft. I wanted to create teething products for babies that were bright and colourful and affordable for families.

Safety has always been a high priority for me. Babies are putting our products in their mouth. That can with so much research, joining compliance groups and making phone calls. There was a lot of behind the scenes work that needed to happen to ensure that safety was met.

Shortly after I started we started getting phone calls and emails about sensory jewlery for children. With having a background in Education and working with children with sensory disorders I knew this was something that was needed. I slowly created products from necklaces, bracelets, Fidgets and I looked for new pendants for the older kids that would keep their interest and fit their chewing needs.

I am over the moon as to where this company has taken me these last few years. The people I have met. The relationships and friendships I've created. And the knowledge I've gained.